Friday Feelings —11th Edition — Thanks in the Tank
Genocide is bad, colonialism has consequences, and children should be taught the truth. That being said, we have a dire tendency to overlook (as I have written about a few times recently) the good things in our lives, and we tend to be somehow even worse at expressing to others our appreciation and affection for them.
So we are hosting Fake Thanksgiving tomorrow, with the family of friends we have chosen, and with mum and dad. Last year, this year wasn’t guaranteed, and in spite of its difficulties it has brought new, surprising, and bountiful joys. I am overwhelmed even just thinking about it.
Tonight, a song and wine revue with one of those friends you just stumble across through the bizarre happenstance of fortune.
There are parts of me that hurt a lot. Wounds that won’t heal, and which bleed afresh when they’re rebroken. But life is beautiful, and this weekend, I get to just focus on that.
Be well. x